Nancy Cavey
Nancy Cavey has spent her career working tirelessly on behalf of Floridians who have not received fair treatment or promised benefits. In August of 2004, her legal peers selected her to serve as Chair of the Workers Compensation Section of the Florida Bar. She is a member of the National Organization of Social Security Claims Representatives (NOSSCR), the American Association for Justice, the Employee Benefit Section of the American Bar Association and the National Employment Lawyers Association, and the Florida Bar.
We have extensive experience in disability cases and have helped clients with medical conditions such as heart disease, hypertension, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, spinal injuries, post traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury. At The Law Offices of Nancy L. Cavey we provide the competitive edge by using software that gives us up to the minute changes in medical literature and information about the combined effects of medication you may be taking.
- Civil Rights
- Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Discrimination, Employment, Fair Housing, Police Misconduct, Privacy Law
- Social Security Disability
- Workers' Compensation
- Public Benefits
- Florida
- Florida State Bar  # 300934
- Member
- - Current